Ladies Tennis Singapore (LTS) is sanctioned by the Singapore Tennis Association and operates with their full support. The goal of LTS is to offer competitive inter-team tennis match play to the ladies of the Singapore tennis community. Aside from offering competitive inter-team tennis match play LTS also aims to foster good sportsmanship and camaraderie among teams.
LTS conducts two seasons within the year. The Spring season commences in January and ends in May. The Autumn season commences in September and ends in December. The final season schedule takes into consideration holidays observed by both local and international schools in Singapore.
Players are invited to form teams with a minimum of six (6) and a maximum of nine (9) players including one substitute player in Leagues 1 2 3 and a maximum of eleven (11) players including three (3) substitute players in League 4. There are currently four leagues of play: League 1, League 2, League 3, League 4 . The registering teams are placed in a league according to the level of play of its team members.
LTS League 1 | Advance Level |
LTS League 2 | Advance Level |
LTS League 3 | Intermediate Level |
LTS League 4 | Intermediate/Beginners Level |
Matches are played once a week: League 1 & 2 matches are scheduled on Thursdays and League 3 and League 4 matches are scheduled on Fridays.
On the match day, each participating team fields two doubles pair, Pair 1 and Pair 2. Each pair plays one (1) superset against opposing pair. Two points are awarded for each superset won. Each pair plays a total of two (2) supersets and each team plays a total of four (4) supersets; therefore, the highest set score to be achieved is eight (8). Two (2) bonus points are awarded to the team who garners the most number of supersets. The highest score for the match will thus be ten (10). In the event of a 2-2 scores, the bonus points will be awarded to the team who has won more games. A superset is won by the team reaching eight (8) games with a tiebreaker is played when the score is tied at eight (8) all. In the event of a tie, the bonus point is split between the teams with a result of 5/5. The complete description and rules of the LTS format can be found in our LTS rules.